terms and condıtıons:

Booking any tour or classes with Delicious Poland, you accept the listed Terms and Conditions. Please read it carefully.

  1. Tour provider

All the tours and cooking classes are provided by Delicious Poland Kamila Śliwińska, ul. Hirszfelda 68/6, Jelcz Laskowice NIP 9121863360, REGON 362492511.

2 . Booking Terms and Sales regulations

All tours must be booked in advance and paid for. If you are having any trouble booking online, please contact us and we can easily help you. You can make a booking by filling the online form. In the online form you choose the payment option (Bank Transfer, PayPal, Transferwise, Credit Card) and pressing the "SUBMIT" button on the website. The booking can not be submitted without checking the box: I have read and accepted Terms and Conditions. After the booking is submitted you receive the confirmation within 48 hours with the next instructions (payment method according to the option you select). If you are booking very last minute, we will get back to immediately. The sales contract is concluded after submitting the booking and making payment. You will be informed via email that your booking is confirmed

3. Changes in the itinerary 

The meeting point and the starting time might change. Please make sure that you insert correct contact details (email, phone number- the ones in use) while booking. We have to be able to reach you and inform about any changes if needed. Specific tour stops and inclusions are subject to change without notice. We hold a right to change the itinerary and it may vary depending on circumstances.

4. Number of participants

Minimum of 2 participants required to run a tour. Delicious Poland reserves the right to cancel due to low attendance. We will offer alternative options and/or refund the tour price. 

5. Weather Considerations

Tours run rain or shine. Please come dressed properly according to weather conditions. In the case of rain, we do recommend an umbrella. 

6. Age of participants

The minimum age of participants is 7 years old on public tours. Must be 18 years of age to sample any alcoholic beverages. If you want to join the tour with younger children, please contact us to organize a private tour. Please note that babies are not allowed on public tours.

7.Dietary restrictions & food allergies

Please inform us about your allergies and dietary restrictions while booking. We can then let you know if the tour suits you. We can accommodate vegetarians on all our tours. We can accommodate vegans only on our craft beer tour. We are not able to accommodate kosher, halal or gluten-free diet.

Please let us know your allergies&dietary restrictions while booking the tour. We will do our best to customize our tours according to your needs. Please note that all our tours are planned in advance (chosen venues and menu) and we are not able to make changes last minute.

8. Late arrivals and No-show policy

There is a schedule that must be followed in order to ensure that all guests have a perfect experience. For that reason, the guide will wait up to 5 min. Note: If you are the only one going on the tour and unless you give us a call, the guide will wait max 5 min then will leave. Please note, that the guide is not obligated to call you in case you are not at the meeting point on time. Tickets are nonrefundable and can not be rescheduled.

We reserve the right to cancel tours or classes due to a tour guide emergency or illness, or another emergency. In this case, we will refund you fully.

9. Safety

During the tours or classes, you are fully responsible for yours and your children’s safety. The guide has the right to refuse the attendance of the participants or ask them to leave if the participants are aggressive, drunk or behave in any way that makes the tour or classes difficult to continue or it affects the other participants’ experience. 

10. Cancelation policy

Public Tour: If you cancel the tour or class at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure, there is no cancellation fee, except for the non-refundable credit card payment fee. If you cancel later than 24 hours of the scheduled departure, there is a 100 percent cancellation fee.

Private Tours & Team Building Events: If you cancel the tour&class at least 20 day(s) in advance of the scheduled departure, there is no cancellation fee(transaction fee not refundable). If you cancel between 14 and 19 day(s) in advance of the scheduled departure, there is a 50 percent cancellation fee (transaction fee not refundable). If you cancel within 13 day(s) of the scheduled departure, there is a 100 percent cancellation fee.

Please note 1 day means 24 hours, the starting time of the tour has a significant manner.

11.Liability and Complaint

We are dedicated to providing the best experience and your satisfaction is important to us. If after the service you are dissatisfied, please send us your complaint in writing to hello@deliciouspoland.com within 30 days after the tour/class. We will then follow up on your complaint and respond accordingly within 30 days.

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