Our Krakow Craft Beer Tour aims to show you different places where you can try craft beer in Poland. The craft beer revolution has resulted not only in the appearance of more than 300 new microbreweries but also hundreds of locals that serve good quality beers. Below we listed the type of places where you can find craft beer in Poland. Well, if you would like to join our 3 hour guided Krakow Craft Beer Tour we'd be more than happy to have you along.
1) Multitap bars
Multitap bars are considered as a symbol of craft beer revolution in Poland. It is the type of the bar that has at least 10 taps and offers beers from different microbreweries from all Poland. The characteristic feature is also beer rotation. Every time when you visit that place, different beers are being served. However, you can follow the offers of multitaps on the regularly updated website: ontap.pl.
Another thing that we appreciate in multitap bars is staff. Mostly they are passionate beer lovers that are always very knowledgeable about their offers. The staff is always happy to advise and give samples before deciding which beer you want to order.
- Omerta Pub & More: First multitap bar in Krakow. The place is designed in a still of the „Godfather” movie. You can find here 2 bars, 30 taps and one of the best selections of polish craft beers.
Address: Kupa 3
Photo: Omerta Pub & More
- Multi Qlti Tap Bar: Hidden on the first floor of one tenement house in the old town. 20 beers on tap and a wide range of bottled beers, not only from Poland but from all over the world.
Address: Szewska 21
Photo: Multi Qlti Tap Bar
- Craftwonia: One of the recent multitap bar located in Kazimierz district. They have 18 beers on the tap and the beers are changed regularly. A broad selection of the styles can satisfy every beer lover.
Addres: Św. Wawrzyńca 22
Photo: Delicious Poland
- Wezze Krafta: Being located in one of the trendiest parts of the city (Tytano-Old Tabacco Factory) makes Wezze Krafta always busy. The local is spacious and it can accommodate larger groups. They have 25 beers on tap.
Address: Dolnych Młynów 10/3
Photo: Delicious Poland
Opening its own brand-pub is the next step in a microbrewery development. Most of the microbreweries dream about the place where mostly its beers are being served. However, most of the brand-pubs very often host the beers from other breweries.
- Viva la Pinta: Pinta is one of the oldest microbreweries in Poland, responsible for initiating the changes in our beer scene. Their first brand-pub was opened in Krakow at the courtyard just off the Florianska street. Obviously, you can find here mostly Pinta's beer, but Pinta also supports other breweries and very often host them on their taps.
Address: Floriańska 13
Photo: Viva La Pinta
- BroPub by Brokreacja: Brokreacja is a microbrewery from Krakow. A few months ago was opened their first brand-pub. The walls are decorated with the painting from their beer's labels. Those labels are hallmarks of the Brokreacja. You can find there also good food. It is a perfect place for football fans- Bropub broadcast most of the matches, you can follow the transmission plan on their website.
Photo by: BroPub by Brokreacja
-Ursa Maior Concept Store & Pub: Brand-pub of microbrewery from Bieszczady Mountains. URSA MAIOR is a pub and concept store. You can find there all the bottled beers and 6 taps with the beer rotation. Except that, Ursa offers unique items like chocolate with hops and malts, beer openers, magnets, and T-shirts. All in an ecological-friendly designed local.
Photo: Delicious Poland
As the name shows- it is a restaurant that brews the beer for its guest. In Poland first brew-restaurant was opened in 1990's. The concept came probably from Germany, where this kind of place can be found in every city. Nowadays we have approximately 90 brew-restaurants in Poland. The beers are based on traditional and unique recipes and all the ingredients are carefully chosen to provide the best quality. Most of the time you can try the beer only on a spot as it is not served in any other place. The brew-restaurants generally specialize in bottom-fermented beers (lagers, pilsners), and wheat beers. From time to time it is possible to find among their offer some IPA's.
The unique beer is accompanied by the delicious food.
- Stara Zajezdnia: The brew-restaurant is located in old tram-depot. The building is on UNESCO list as historical heritage. Its speciality are lager style beers based on a recipe from Pilzno- the capital city of pilsner. Stara Zajezdnia is also known for their seasonal beers like apple or plum lager, wheat beer with pear or honey beers. Wide selection of beer's types provides Stara Zajezdnia status of one of the most popular beer venue in Krakow. Stara Zajezdnia very often hosts different types of events- brand fairs, concerts etc.
Addres:Świętego Wawrzyńca 12
Photo: Delicious Poland
- Browar Lubicz: The place refers to the history of the city- the building of Browar Lubicz used to be a brewery between 1840 and 2001. After being renovated, the brew-restaurant was opened in 2015. The brewhouse is located just next to the entrance to the restaurant. Lubicz offers a wide range of wheat beers, lagers and IPA's. Their beers have been awarded many times on beers contests in Poland.
Address: Lubicz 17J
4) Brewpub
It is a brewery combined with a pub. A brewpub is a relatively new concept that came to Poland from the homeland of real ales- England. Krakow is the lucky city to have the only one brewpub in Poland, which is T.E.A. Time.
- T.E.A. Time: the name of the place is a shortcut from „Traditional English Ales”. The brewery is located in the basement of the pub and it's opened for visitors. The staff is always happy to help and show the brewery around. T.E.A Time is also the only one brewery in Poland that offers real ales in a traditional English way- using the hand-pumps without extra carbon dioxide.
Address: ul. Józefa Dietla 1
Photo: Delicious Poland
Text: Kamila Sliwinska